Most Recent Additions*


Proceedings of the 2024 IAOM Convention
International Association of Orofacial Myology


Tongue strength and swallowing-related masseter activity and oropharyngeal timing across the lifespan
Alicia Martin-Cowger, Dianna Evers, Christy Osterhout, Katie Small, Shelly Ashbocker, Eric Astel, Rebecca Burke, Natalie Dahl, Rebecca Fish, Jeanette Fountain, Sandra Frickey, Elizabeth Holbrook, Carmen Ives, Cassie Dallaserra, Leigha Juravich, Savannah Leckington, Ashley Purser, Heather Randolph, Catherine Reed, David Ross, Kristine Sedlezky, Chad Seibold, Erin Sholes, Amanda Sisneros, Blake Tanner, Casey Ulrich, Joni Grey Loftin, and Anthony Seikel


Proceedings of the 2024 ICAP Convention
International Consortium of Oral Ankylofrenula Professionals


Proceedings of the 2023 IAOM Convention
International Association of Orofacial Myology


The use of a myofunctional device in an aged care population for oral care and swallowing: A feasibility study
Hollie-Ann L. Shortland, Gwendalyn Webb, Anne E. Vertigan, and Sally Hewat


Muscle tension dysphonia in singers and professional speakers with ankyloglossia: Impact of treatment with lingual frenuloplasty and orofacial myofunctional therapy
Isabella Summersgill, Gloria Nguyen, Cullen Grey, Leyli Norouz-Knutsen, Robyn Merkel-Walsh, Christine Katzenmeir, Benjamin Rafii, and Soroush Zaghi


Proceedings of the 2022 ICAP Conference
International Consortium of Oral Ankylofrenula Professionals


Proceedings of the 2022 IAOM Convention
International Association of Orofacial Myology


What are we missing in adult obstructive sleep apnea clinical evaluation? Review of official guidelines
Eduardo J. Correa, Carlos O´Connor-Reina, Laura Rodriguez-Alcalá, Diego M. Conti, Alberto Rabino, Peter M. Baptista, Maria-Teresa Garcia-Iriarte, and Guillermo Plaza


Virtual Baby: 3D model of the anatomy and physiology of sucking and swallowing in infants as an educational tool
Flávia Rebelo Puccini, Marina Gatti, Antônio de Castro Rodrigues, Silmara Rondon-Melo, Chao Lung Wen, Roberta Lopes de Castro Martinelli, and Giédre Berretin-Felix


Functional nasal breathing rehabilitation: Effectiveness and feasibility of an online integrative breathing therapy protocol
Rosalba Courtney, Roger Engel, Sandra Grace, Anna Potts, Brooke Riordan, Kaitlyn Ireland, Courtney Osbourne, and Avinash Sukhtankar

*Updated as of 12/21/24.