
Aims & Scope


Purpose of the International Journal of Orofacial Myology and Myofunctional Therapy

The IJOM aims to encourage the scientific study of orofacial myofunctional disorders, provide educational and evidence-based information to practitioners, and encourage sharing and cooperation across disciplines involved in orofacial myofunctional therapy.

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The journal welcomes articles related to a wide variety of topics involving the dental-orofacial complex, the oronasopharyngeal airway, cranio-musculoskeletal systems and their neurophysiologic control, and related topics. Articles addressing the clinical assessment and behavioral treatment of orofacial myofunctional disorders across the lifespan will be prioritized. The Editor-in-Chief welcomes inquiries regarding the appropriateness of article submissions. You may .

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Disciplines represented by the journal and its contents include but are not limited to the following:

  • craniofacial differences
  • dental hygiene
  • infant feeding
  • maxillofacial specialty
  • orofacial myology and myofunctional therapy
  • orofacial sensation/pain
  • orthodontics
  • otolaryngology
  • pediatrics
  • physical medicine and rehabilitation
  • sleep medicine
  • speech-language pathology
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    Article Types

    The IJOM accepts the following types of articles:

  • Research Article: presentation of new research; full-length manuscript with strong rationale, clear purpose, well-designed method, quantitative and/or qualitative results, scholarly discussion, and relevant references. Clinical research should conform to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) appropriate to the specific trial design (http://www.consort-statement.org/). Additionally, clinical trials should be registered (e.g., ClinicalTrials.gov or WHO International Trials Registry Platform - ICTRP).
  • Research Note: brief presentation of pilot, preliminary or exploratory findings, or a new method for the collection and analysis of data.
  • Review: narrative, scoping, or systematic reviews following standard guidelines (http://www.prisma-statement.org); may include critical comparisons and meta-analysis of previous work. Systematic reviews should also be registered with PROSPERO (https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/) or similar registry.
  • Clinical Perspective: narrative viewpoint based on expert clinical opinion and experience, or descriptions of clinical programs and innovative clinical activities.
  • Tutorial: educational exposition covering recent literature on topics of interest to the readership of the IJOM.
  • Case Report or Case Series: report of one or more cases that illustrate unique or interesting aspects of the management of orofacial myofunctional disorders; case reports should follow case report guidelines (https://www.care-statement.org). Note that Case Studies that incorporate elements of single-subject research design, qualify as research and can be submitted as a Research Article or Research Note.
  • Protocol: description of planned research study, clinical trial, scoping review, or systematic review. Trial protocols are expected to follow principles of Good Clinical Practice; review protocols should follow PRISMA guidelines (http://www.prisma-statement.org).
  • Commentary or Letter to the Editor: brief narrative that spotlights current issues of direct interest to the orofacial myofunctional therapy and research community. Commentaries are typically extensions or retractions to content published in original research or viewpoint articles. A Letter to the Editor critiquing work published in the IJOM may be referred to the authors of the original article for a response, which may be published along with the commentary.
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