Volume 23, Number 1 (1997)
From the Editor
A salute to twenty-five years of excellence and uphill battles
Roberta B. Pierce
Research Note
IAOM Consumer Satisfaction Survey (CSS): A summary of findings
Mike R. Nelson and Roberta B. Pierce
Review Articles
The efficacy of oral myofunctional and coarticulation therapy
Forest G. Umberger and Robert G. Johnston
Digit-sucking: A review of literature, clinical observations and treatment recommendations
Rosemarie A. Van Norman
Clinical Perspectives
The effectiveness of orofacial myofunctional therapy in improving dental occlusion
Kimberly K. Benkert
Clinical exchange: lingual frenums and frenectomies
Trudy Wilder and April Gelesko
The effectiveness of orofacial myofunctional therapy in improving patients' ability to swallow pills
Roberta B. Pierce
- Editor-in-Chief
- Roberta Pierce
- Associate Editors
- Betty Wommack, Ph.D.
- Robert Mason, Ph.D., D.M.D.
- Barbara Reiner, Ph.D.
- Thomas Pierce, B.S., E.E.
- Ray Dunn, D.D.S.
- Angela Anderson, M.S.
- Alicia Adcock, B.S.