

The authors examined 113 subjects between the ages of 9 and i 4 years, 59 males and 54 females, in the town of Santa Maria, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Dental/ orthodontic assessment revealed that 12 had normal occlusion, and 66 had Class I, 18 had Class II division 1, 7 had Class II division 2, and 10 had Class Ill malocclusions. For the analysis of the speech articulatory disorders, the Yavas, Hernadorena & Lamprecht (1992) adapted test was used. A list of words was selected that had all phonemes of the Portuguese language, in all possible positions in the words. A tape recording was utilized for later analysis of the speech sample and a phonetic transcription of the words was done. Results indicated that the 12 subjects with normal occlusion did not have speech-articulatory disorders; however, there were correlations between malocclusion and articulatory problems. Twenty of the; 13 subjects (17.7%) were identified as having malocclusion and articulatory disorders. This study attempted to define possible relationships between malocclusion and fonoarticulatory disorders.
