

Various types of orofacial myofunctional disorders co-exist with speech problems in individuals with dysarthria. Controlled studies stating the efficacy of orofacial myofunctional therapy (OMT) in dysarthric individuals are very scant. The present study was undertaken to examine the efficacy of OMT in twelve patients diagnosed with mild to moderate dysarthria following right hemisphere brain damage. Pre-therapy assessment focused on existing orofacial myofunctional problems and speech intelligibility in the clients. The goals of OMT were to increase strength and mobility of buccal, facial, labial, and lingual musculature. No speech intervention was provided while OMT was in progress. Post-therapy measures indicated significant improvements in the stated goals as well as in speech intelligibility for single words. Patients observed functional improvements in swallowing functions too. A high positive correlation was found between speech intelligibility and diadochokinetic rate. Clinical implications regarding use of OMT in dysarthria are discussed.


orofacial myofunctional therapy, speech intelligibility, dysarthria
