

An efficient lingual frenulum protocol with scores is presented. From a specific lingual frenulum evaluation used until 2004, a new protocol was designed. Ten speech language pathologists experienced in orofacial myology used the new protocol with different groups of subjects. 1235 subjects were evaluated during 3 years. From the experience of these ten speech language pathologists, the protocol was re-structured, and a scoring system was added. Absence of alteration (normal tongue and frenulum) was scored zero. The alterations observed were scored in ascending order. Four additional speech language pathologists experienced in orofacial myology were trained by the researcher to administer the final version of the protocol. The protocol was administered in 2008 and 2009 to 239 subjects: 160 children between 7 years and 2 months old and 11 years and 7 months old; and to 79 adults from 16 years and 8 months or older. From the results of administration of the protocol, a new lingual frenulum protocol with scores was designed. According to the scores, the frenulum can be considered altered or normal. When the sum of general tests is equal or higher than 3, the frenulum may be altered. The interference of the lingual frenulum in the oral functions may be considered when the sum of the functional tests is equal or higher than 25. This new lingual frenulum protocol with scores was designed and has been an efficient tool to diagnose an altered lingual frenulum.


Lingual frenulum, evaluation, tongue, speech articulation tests, speech, language and hearing sciences, classification
